It takes a lot to make me sit down and give music my utmost attention. I dont find many albums that I just want to soak up and make part of my landscape anymore. Maybe Im not searching like i used to but I just don't get moved deeply by much these days.
Well Im loving the new radiohead. Its dark, its beautiful, its electronic when it should be and soft and airy when it needs it. Its moody as hell. I cant understand half of what Thom is saying but hes choosing very nice melodies this album. It feels rounded and healthy compared to their last couple albums. Dunno. Could just be where my head is right now.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
1st Vocal Take
yesterday I went in to the studio by myself around 4:30 to lay down our first attempt at a vocal track. It went well. The mic was so powerful it sounded as if I was in my own mouth. Every breath and pop could be heard. But our engineer compressed the hell out of things and through the magic of computers it sounds pretty cool.
With that bare, highly tweaked environment I could hear how casual smoking has affected my voice. Its a slight timbre change that I have never been aware of before. Not sure if anyone else will notice but I do. Or maybe I just have never heard myself with that professional of a microphone.
I felt good about my performance. It started weak but I gained confidence around the 2nd take and I think its noticeable. Our engineer/sorta-producer said that I need to make sure I like it because its forever and the most focused on aspect of the song. As much laboring we do over tiny little musical parts of each track it really falls away when vocals are added. People hear a beat, a bassline, the main guitar track and the vocals. The rest is almost unconscious. yet we pour over everything, ache over slipped notes and minor timing concerns. Our engineer just face palms himself and groans.
I listened to the song about 20 times today so far and I'm not cringing so thats a good sign.
I also met with John yesterday to discuss music licensing. He attended SXSW last year and met music supervisors and learned about that whole "sell your song to TV/Movies/Whatever" industry. I am very interested in this and want to take the necessary steps to make it happen. Otherwise making any kind of living from music will be comprised of endless touring and I dont think I want that lifestyle like I once did. Maybe when I was 24 but not anymore. Let me just let you put my shit in a movie and you send me a check. That sounds nice.
Did I hear you whisper SELL OUT?
Please. (maybe it was my own voice in my head)
The truth is, if I make a song that people think will fit their medium then Im all for it. I didnt write the song to sell to them. The day I write a song called Office Depot Blues then you can gouge my eyes out and step on them for me.
But licensing my stuff to a cool HBO series would be an honor and a damn fine way to make a living if you ask me. Then throw in a month long tour once a year and that sounds ideal to me. So I am going to find out how to make that happen.
With that bare, highly tweaked environment I could hear how casual smoking has affected my voice. Its a slight timbre change that I have never been aware of before. Not sure if anyone else will notice but I do. Or maybe I just have never heard myself with that professional of a microphone.
I felt good about my performance. It started weak but I gained confidence around the 2nd take and I think its noticeable. Our engineer/sorta-producer said that I need to make sure I like it because its forever and the most focused on aspect of the song. As much laboring we do over tiny little musical parts of each track it really falls away when vocals are added. People hear a beat, a bassline, the main guitar track and the vocals. The rest is almost unconscious. yet we pour over everything, ache over slipped notes and minor timing concerns. Our engineer just face palms himself and groans.
I listened to the song about 20 times today so far and I'm not cringing so thats a good sign.
I also met with John yesterday to discuss music licensing. He attended SXSW last year and met music supervisors and learned about that whole "sell your song to TV/Movies/Whatever" industry. I am very interested in this and want to take the necessary steps to make it happen. Otherwise making any kind of living from music will be comprised of endless touring and I dont think I want that lifestyle like I once did. Maybe when I was 24 but not anymore. Let me just let you put my shit in a movie and you send me a check. That sounds nice.
Did I hear you whisper SELL OUT?
Please. (maybe it was my own voice in my head)
The truth is, if I make a song that people think will fit their medium then Im all for it. I didnt write the song to sell to them. The day I write a song called Office Depot Blues then you can gouge my eyes out and step on them for me.
But licensing my stuff to a cool HBO series would be an honor and a damn fine way to make a living if you ask me. Then throw in a month long tour once a year and that sounds ideal to me. So I am going to find out how to make that happen.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
dream #whatever
more dreams about my childhood and the house I grew up in.
This time we had a new house and the old one was attached to it to preserve the memory. It was completely unused but still standing with the ghosts of all of us still there as if we would someday return. I went through it like I did the night before it was torn down. Slowly walking around and just looking at the rooms.
Jared was there as a little boy. We were riding the jet ski and playing by the river. He was talking about weird quirks he had that were actually my quirks. I felt comforted hearing him tell me he had the same eccentricities as me. I felt close to him again and happy to be enjoying the day. The waters were rough though and the overall feel of the dream was greenish and unsettling, like the eye of a hurricane.
Its so redundant but obviously my youth and growing up on that street is something my subconscious keeps latching onto for some reason.
This time we had a new house and the old one was attached to it to preserve the memory. It was completely unused but still standing with the ghosts of all of us still there as if we would someday return. I went through it like I did the night before it was torn down. Slowly walking around and just looking at the rooms.
Jared was there as a little boy. We were riding the jet ski and playing by the river. He was talking about weird quirks he had that were actually my quirks. I felt comforted hearing him tell me he had the same eccentricities as me. I felt close to him again and happy to be enjoying the day. The waters were rough though and the overall feel of the dream was greenish and unsettling, like the eye of a hurricane.
Its so redundant but obviously my youth and growing up on that street is something my subconscious keeps latching onto for some reason.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Someone knocked my mirror off in my own driveway.
I'm pretty sure I was singled out for this. This neighborhood is so ghetto. I need to leave ASAP.
I'm pretty sure I was singled out for this. This neighborhood is so ghetto. I need to leave ASAP.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Nerd Gear
I found a very cool little tool that has become invaluable to me. Simple premise. You can speed up or slow down online videos and flash presentations. Its great for saving time, adjusting the speed to fit how you prefer to digest info or even getting through Hulu commercials 3 times faster. Its also funny to slow down things and make it sound like people are drunk on cough syrup.
Its free for 7 days and then only like 19 bucks... worth every penny.
Its free for 7 days and then only like 19 bucks... worth every penny.
Ron.... check your sources dude
Good points are going to be ignored when you dont.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Happy Birthday Self Employment
So I have been contract labor for about a year now.
The Good...
I am making a good living. Not great yet but good. Better than any other period of my life. Even with money taken out for taxes I am still doing better. Also getting up when I want, no commute to speak of, freedom to do the job however I see fit, provided I get it done, more respect for my abilities than ever before, laid back clients, dress how I want, smell bad if I choose etc. My work week is less than 40 hours. Id say more like 25-30. Finally no limits to my income. If I want to bust ass to find new clients I can do that. Most of my clients are thrilled to have me. No BS interview was necessary. I have never even met my biggest client. I quickly become an integral part of their business with immediate and measurable value, not some replaceable office drone.
Sounds great right??????
The Bad - Motivation, Isolation and taxes.
Staying on task is hard when no one is breathing down your neck. I am still making my clients big money but it could always be better, more efficient and organized. And with no one there to really see your system for getting things done then you can easily slip into slacker mode. New products teaching me new ideas, paid for by the company, has helped inspire me to always be exploring new ways to do things but it takes constant learning to break out of complacency.
And oh the isolation!
Sometimes the isolation really gets to me. I start to think bad things and feel bad about stupid things I probably would have never concerned myself with. Loneliness, stir-craziness, its all there at times and it does a number on my mental health if I don't watch it closely. Its probably the biggest issue of them all. I start to feel like I'm the only human alive except people I chat with on Skype or email. Ok Computer comes to mind. Combine it with Monday's post and I feel overwhelmed with isolation lately.
The tax aspect really sucks. I have to keep track of everything and do my best to find stuff to write off. I have yet to prepare my taxes for last year so Ill be posting about the unpleasantness soon. But this is a simple fix with a little organization.
No insurance or benefits also sucks. But I am quickly seeing how relying on anyone but yourself for your future or well being is a mistake. Yes I'm talking about the the stock market, social security, 401ks, the medical community, the value of the dollar... you name it. Nothing is truly safe or in your best interest so this is a minor concern for me as far as my career is concerned. Now as an American citizen... that's for another post.
Honestly I would rather take what I have to deal with now than what i have dealt with in the past. I literally hated my life at times due to my job. Not anymore. I am fully in charge of my financial destiny and seeing it finally pay off for me. I am late to this game but I'm in it.
The Good...
I am making a good living. Not great yet but good. Better than any other period of my life. Even with money taken out for taxes I am still doing better. Also getting up when I want, no commute to speak of, freedom to do the job however I see fit, provided I get it done, more respect for my abilities than ever before, laid back clients, dress how I want, smell bad if I choose etc. My work week is less than 40 hours. Id say more like 25-30. Finally no limits to my income. If I want to bust ass to find new clients I can do that. Most of my clients are thrilled to have me. No BS interview was necessary. I have never even met my biggest client. I quickly become an integral part of their business with immediate and measurable value, not some replaceable office drone.
Sounds great right??????
The Bad - Motivation, Isolation and taxes.
Staying on task is hard when no one is breathing down your neck. I am still making my clients big money but it could always be better, more efficient and organized. And with no one there to really see your system for getting things done then you can easily slip into slacker mode. New products teaching me new ideas, paid for by the company, has helped inspire me to always be exploring new ways to do things but it takes constant learning to break out of complacency.
And oh the isolation!
Sometimes the isolation really gets to me. I start to think bad things and feel bad about stupid things I probably would have never concerned myself with. Loneliness, stir-craziness, its all there at times and it does a number on my mental health if I don't watch it closely. Its probably the biggest issue of them all. I start to feel like I'm the only human alive except people I chat with on Skype or email. Ok Computer comes to mind. Combine it with Monday's post and I feel overwhelmed with isolation lately.
The tax aspect really sucks. I have to keep track of everything and do my best to find stuff to write off. I have yet to prepare my taxes for last year so Ill be posting about the unpleasantness soon. But this is a simple fix with a little organization.
No insurance or benefits also sucks. But I am quickly seeing how relying on anyone but yourself for your future or well being is a mistake. Yes I'm talking about the the stock market, social security, 401ks, the medical community, the value of the dollar... you name it. Nothing is truly safe or in your best interest so this is a minor concern for me as far as my career is concerned. Now as an American citizen... that's for another post.
Honestly I would rather take what I have to deal with now than what i have dealt with in the past. I literally hated my life at times due to my job. Not anymore. I am fully in charge of my financial destiny and seeing it finally pay off for me. I am late to this game but I'm in it.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
missing everyone
I'm losing friends left and right. Some are about to/or have physically left town. And if they aren't leaving, life is giving them priorities that will inevitably cause us to lose contact. It sucks but I guess its just something we have to all deal with as we get older.
Now I am aware that technology has made keeping in touch with people much easier. But still I feel a deep sense of loss lately. A string of people I feel closely connected to are going to inevitably lose touch (how much remains to be seen)
Whats the solution for that lonely feeling that comes with growing up?
Option 1 - Marry and have children
This seems to be what most people pick. Create your own little fast lane of life and get a few people on board with you so you are all flying forward in the same relative direction. Nothing wrong with this but its definitely not my life right now or something I am considering in the near future.
Option 2 - Have a perpetual rotation of new people in your life
This is what I seem to be experiencing. The problem is making new friends gets tougher as you get older. Sure you have acquaintances but making brand new, solid friendships is hard. People are set in their ways. It takes an honest effort and our comfort zones grow thick and solid as we age.
I never want to settle down with a woman simply because I gave up this fight. Loneliness is not an excuse to get married for me. And even marriage is no excuse for me to lose touch with people I had the fortune of connecting with.
I have always wanted an atypical life. The concept of the white picket fence sounds incredibly boring to me. I fear the boredom of putting all my social eggs in one basket. But the opposite of that is a constant cast of rotating people in your life and saying goodbye all the fucking time. I believe most people settle on a watered down hybrid where they pair up with someone and then have a few friends they touch base with every so often. Its just too hard to have both lives for most people.
Of course I see the flaws in these thoughts. I would like to believe you can have both a robust life of friends and family. I'm sure its done. It just seems so hard to achieve with the simple human nature of funneling our lives into such small social spaces.
Is it an American or a human problem? Is it only a problem to me? Do I have to settle for one or the other?
Honestly I think its possible to have both. But a few things have to be in place.
1. You have to have a partner that doesn't horde your time and wants you to have a life outside of just them (and your kids if you have them).
2. Then you have to have friends with similarly-minded partners.
3. Finally these friends need a strong desire to make this aspect of their lives a priority also.
There's the rub! That's a whole lot of mature and selfless relationships going on. That's a rearranging of priorities few ever realize is so important until its too late. Or maybe its just too hard to do.
Are we destined to just say goodbye to most people we meet?
Now I am aware that technology has made keeping in touch with people much easier. But still I feel a deep sense of loss lately. A string of people I feel closely connected to are going to inevitably lose touch (how much remains to be seen)
Whats the solution for that lonely feeling that comes with growing up?
Option 1 - Marry and have children
This seems to be what most people pick. Create your own little fast lane of life and get a few people on board with you so you are all flying forward in the same relative direction. Nothing wrong with this but its definitely not my life right now or something I am considering in the near future.
Option 2 - Have a perpetual rotation of new people in your life
This is what I seem to be experiencing. The problem is making new friends gets tougher as you get older. Sure you have acquaintances but making brand new, solid friendships is hard. People are set in their ways. It takes an honest effort and our comfort zones grow thick and solid as we age.
I never want to settle down with a woman simply because I gave up this fight. Loneliness is not an excuse to get married for me. And even marriage is no excuse for me to lose touch with people I had the fortune of connecting with.
I have always wanted an atypical life. The concept of the white picket fence sounds incredibly boring to me. I fear the boredom of putting all my social eggs in one basket. But the opposite of that is a constant cast of rotating people in your life and saying goodbye all the fucking time. I believe most people settle on a watered down hybrid where they pair up with someone and then have a few friends they touch base with every so often. Its just too hard to have both lives for most people.
Of course I see the flaws in these thoughts. I would like to believe you can have both a robust life of friends and family. I'm sure its done. It just seems so hard to achieve with the simple human nature of funneling our lives into such small social spaces.
Is it an American or a human problem? Is it only a problem to me? Do I have to settle for one or the other?
Honestly I think its possible to have both. But a few things have to be in place.
1. You have to have a partner that doesn't horde your time and wants you to have a life outside of just them (and your kids if you have them).
2. Then you have to have friends with similarly-minded partners.
3. Finally these friends need a strong desire to make this aspect of their lives a priority also.
There's the rub! That's a whole lot of mature and selfless relationships going on. That's a rearranging of priorities few ever realize is so important until its too late. Or maybe its just too hard to do.
Are we destined to just say goodbye to most people we meet?
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
babies everywhere
everyone is having babies. Everyone. Yes Everyone.
Jareds son is here. My friend Sam is going to have a baby. Other folks who prefer to keep it on the down-low are pregnant. I even bet you are pregnant. Yes you. Are you sure?
i am still as terrified at the concept as ever.
Here is a pic of Scarlett. I think I got her pregnant.
Jareds son is here. My friend Sam is going to have a baby. Other folks who prefer to keep it on the down-low are pregnant. I even bet you are pregnant. Yes you. Are you sure?
i am still as terrified at the concept as ever.
Here is a pic of Scarlett. I think I got her pregnant.

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