Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Work just exploded on me.

I have taken on 2 new clients and a third is in the works. I am probably getting in over my head but if so Ill just end up hiring a virtual assistant.

Its exciting because if I can generate these clients the results they want, then I am on my way to big boy income.

What does this mean for me? Hookers? Jets? Garbage bags of cocaine?


This means I can start socking away all the money I wasn't making in my 20s. This means I can pay down my credit card debt, my student loans, my enormous tax bill this year. This means I can avoid that awful feeling of not having enough to cover my bills at the end of the month. Or picking the cheapest thing on the menu. Or fearing my car breaking down.

This means I can give great gifts to the people I love on their birthdays. I can pick up the tab when having dinner with them. This means I can take more trips to cool places like my upcoming trip to Denver this week. This means I can save for killer trips like Europe or South America and survive comfortably when I'm there.

This means I can sock away some cash in a Health Savings Account for routine checkups. This means I can Biggie Size it. This means a lot.

Gotta stay focused and bring these people results.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

I read a quote by Tim Ferris that basically said you can judge the quality of your life based on the number of uncomfortable conversations you are willing to have with people. He was mainly speaking of business but I think its pretty true across the board.

Last night I broke off my relationship. It wasn't easy. It was stressful. I hate being the cause of someone's pain. I felt pain. She felt pain. Just an overall suckfest.

The hardest part about breaking up is realizing you are also leaving behind a lot of great stuff. Sometimes unique things that only that person will ever be able to give.

Of course I have reasons why I felt it was the best thing but I suppose Ill keep that to myself and the people in my life rather than a semi-public forum like this (who am I kidding, nobody reads it). I only want the best for her and hope we both find a great match someday that will bring us the happiness we deserve.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Radical Cost of Living Increase

my buddy is in Hawaii now. Everything he owns is sold. Car. Furniture. Everything. It was a bold move. He is making great money but look at these stats I uncovered... This is the stats of someone making $50K per year and how much its actually worth in Honolulu.

Think Ill just visit.

Results for your new location
net change in
disposable income
Cost of Living at Home
Typical Salary at Work
Current LocationAustin, TX (Edit)Austin, TX (Edit)
New LocationHonolulu, HI (Edit)Honolulu, HI (Edit)
Percent Change in $+81.9%+15.0%
ExplanationThe cost of living inHonolulu, HI is 81.9% higher than in Austin, TX. Therefore, you would have to earn a salary of$90,965 to maintain your current standard of living.Employers in Honolulu, HItypically pay 15.0% more than employers in Austin, TX . Therefore, if you take the same type of job in the same type of company in Honolulu, HI you are likely to earn $57,511 .

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Google Maps Updated

Here is the plot of land where my old house used to be.

The earlier search version had an old pic showing the house still standing. I knew it was a matter of time before Google updated the photo, completely erasing any visual representation of what it once was. Luckily I have a photo or two of it. And the screenshot I took before it updated. (genius)

I have memories of being drunk and crying in that vacant lot after sneaking under the fence and walking down to the river to see what became of it. I also stole a no trespassing sign from that fence. They have not added another which is great.

I dig the driveway leading to nothing. No need to get rid of that.

Good riddance Channelview TX. You have turned into an ugly thing. May you be completely razed to the ground one day.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

went to see a neil young cover show last night with my friend who is leaving to Hawaii next month.

Good times. Ill be sad to see him go. But now I have a cool reason to go to Hawaii.

The only thing I want to mention about last night is the absurd amount of hot women in this town. It's absolutely ridiculous. There is something in the water here.

Friday, May 4, 2012


one of my childhood idols has died from cancer.

I wanted to BE the beastie boys when I was 17. I'm actually sad for the death of someone I have never met. And reminded how scary cancer is.
I've been having some interesting conversations with two friends about the economy.

They are both Keynesians and think my Austrian viewpoints are flawed. They think Ron Paul is a ranting lunatic. They think fiat money is a good thing. All I can say is history will prove who is right. All their stats and economic lingo can't shake my views. I am more interested in hearing both sides now which can only make me a better person to have this discussion with, but something about having human beings controlling and manipulating the economy seems too risky.

I see it as we have kicked the snowball down the hill. Its now a raging avalanche and your economic stance on it is meaningless. There is a town under that mountain and the damage is coming.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I am confident I will hit my income goals within the next year. I planned on 35 but I think I will hit them earlier.

My savings are practically nothing. I have no assets to speak of. I have embarrassing credit card debt.

So it's about time.

But I am in a great position as far as my career goes. I sort of accidentally stumbled into a great line of work a few years ago and its finally starting to pick up steam.

I am talking with 3 potential new clients. My current client wants to use me in his future projects and willing to outbid other clients showing interest. I actually know what the hell I'm doing. Nice.