Monday, October 5, 2009

The Epic Fail of a show

Dallas was a travesty. (okay thats being a bit melodramatic)

My mom came which was cool.


The monitor mix was probably the worst we have ever had. I told the guys that this weekend can be summed up with one sentence...

"Bonnaroo sound guys... my balls.."

Here are a few things that made it awful...

1. No Sound check - We were told we are going to play another bands drum set. They didnt show up until it was too late for us to do a proper sound check. The drum set was also a piece of crap. Lesson learned there.

2. Bad weather - It drizzled a lot and finally poured. We were the only band that played before the whole show was canceled. Which didn't matter anyway because...

3. No one was there - We were playing to a HUGE empty field. Maybe 15 people TOPS. This would have sucked in a smaller venue but was just ridiculous in this vast wide open plot of land. Funny actually.

I told the guys we are just taking our knocks. Every show after this will be a better one. Man this show blew.

But we sold some shirts and 3 EPs. That was seriously a HUGE percentage of the people there.

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