Monday, August 9, 2010

very boring weekend. I did practically nothing.

I did however write a new song i dig. It makes me uncomfortable a little bit. In a good way. A definite departure from my usual stuff.

I am seriously considering getting some folks together to just get out my desire to play some songs in a stripped down setting.

Yesterday I went swimming at my old apartment pool and then grilled with my friend David and his roommate Steve. Steve is a fantastic guitarist so he is high on my list of dudes I want to hit up for my little project.

David is a vegan so he made some awesome vegetable kabobs while I threw down some bratwurst (sp?).

And that was the highlight of my weekend.

Making plans with a gal to travel to the desert later this year to go camping. Yes the desert. Sounds awesome to me.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

where's the part about visiting your awesome cousin who will one day provide you free medical service huh?? desert camping... I dont even get a mention. I see how it is... ;)