Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My Politics

I wont wax political anymore after this post. But this debt ceiling has gotten me all riled up. So I'm going to spout my politics one time to get it out of my system.

Here goes...

I am neither Republican nor Democrat. And I think it sucks we live in a country where we have to side with one to get anything done.

I believe the govt should be small and not be expected to supply us with every need we cry out for. We simply cant sustain that kind of spending without going bankrupt. Oh and that is what is happening right now. (Conservative View)

I don't believe in funding stupid wars, spreading democracy or forcing religion down anyone's throat. I think gay people should marry, women should have the right to choose and I should be able to smoke a joint when I want to. (Liberal View)

So basically I would get NOTHING done as a politician and no one would respect me. Good. I must have been raised properly. Or terribly.

So blow me Washington. You're all morons.

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