Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Setting up Shop

Shouldn't have drank coffee after 8pm. I am totally awake.

Today felt productive. Im getting signed up to take credit card payments. Long forms to fill out. Signatures needed. Blah blah.

But soon I can have my clients pay me via credit card rather than anticipating the mail every day for a check. That sucks.

Met with a couple local guys here in Austin that are going to outsource their marketing to me.

I was also contacted by another potential client through one of my current clients so this month is turning out nicely.

I am noticing something about myself. Just having clients contacting me for potential work satisfies some sort of drive in me that I often end up never actually following through with. Sounds like I should be swimming in money but I'm not. I end up putting things off or really undercutting my services.

Thats the ADD in me. Getting 75% finished with something and then going ok whats next. Pretty dumb of me. But that's all about to change.


Michelle said...

So what's the update on your ADD overhaul? Are you keeping those clients and running the world? Let me know when you've got money to spare- I've got credit card debt you can pay off ;)

Michelle said...

I had this whole comment typed out and when I hit submit, it lost it. But basically, sometime funny, sometime funny - let me know if you're rolling in the dough yet - something funny.
Love you.