Thursday, October 25, 2012

Last night I went on a date with a woman who has a 6 year old. Get used to it I tell myself.

I think about that and deciding only to date childless women definitely narrows the pool down for me. But its a huge decision to date a woman with a kid because obviously the kid comes first and you are going to share your time. That and I am not sure if she will ever want more if that is something I decide I want someday.

Obviously I am not thinking like that about this woman, but in general these are things you have to consider when are ready to meet someone long term. I think I'm just going to be perfectly upfront about my hesitance to get too serious with a woman with kid. If I get any inclination this is not ideal for her, Ill bail. She didn't strike me as a woman with Daddy radar. But obviously being open about this kind of thing is vital.

The date was pretty fun. Lots of making fun of each other which is always cool. Also nice long moments where she would just stare at me saying nothing. She was cute in a non-traditional way but still very cute. She had no qualms showing her attraction to me and was very vocal about it. I eat that stuff up obviously. She went for the kiss before I did which is very rare for me. As I was driving away she actually walked up to my car to kiss me again before I left which I found pretty awesome.

Why can't the hot, childless, nubile 25 year old do that? I think I answered my own question there.

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