Thursday, October 3, 2013

Breaking Bad is over. There will be a void in my Sundays. But what a ride. The final episode topped 10 million viewers. The show was violent and brutal enough for those who like explosions and multi-layered enough for those partial to Shakespearean tragedies. It deserves all the hype. People aren't as stupid as most television producers seem to think and the viewership proved it. Vince Gilligan is the king of the world right now and in true showbiz fashion closed it down right at its peak.

The show's going to be talked about, dissected and used as standard that all other dramas will be judged by. Last night my girl mentioned a very minor detail she saw in the first episode that was referenced in the last episode that I doubt many people will even remember. The whole series is airtight and you can tell the writers lived and breathed those characters, regardless of how many people got all the little payoffs.

Not sure what to think about the spinoff. Obviously if its the same writers then it should be good but I am not holding my breath on that one.

We are in a Golden Age of television. Too bad I don't have cable.

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