Thursday, February 26, 2009

Heading to New Orleans

Im going to New Orleans this weekend for Jared's bachelor party.

Id rather be home working on the computer (which is crazy to me) There are just so many things I need to be doing to start making more money. I just dont have enough hours in the day and I spend the bulk of them making money for someone else.

That and a waxing and waning motivation. I need to reach the breaking point where I simply will not stand for complacency. This determination comes and goes. Sometimes I am just too type B for my own good.

So I am off for more debauchery. Will it ever get old?

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I saw an old episode of Alf today. It was almost unbearable. Long awkward pauses between jokes. Just terrible.

but I remember hearing about Jerry Stahl, the guy who took the show and sent the ratings through the roof.

Here is a clip of a movie based on him. This is what I think about when I am watching Alf.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The house is gone

bulldozed to the ground. they even took the cedar tree with it.

it feels weird to know that its finally happened.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Call me a narcissist but....

damn this pic is classy.

miller lite on the dirty ass shoes. nice.

drummer interviews

so the guy last night wasn't so hot on the drums.

The bad part was as he was leaving we could tell in his voice and body language that he knew he didn't make the cut. Daniel felt horribly guilty. I did for awhile but realized that this role is important and there is no room for being nice.

It would be worse if a couple months into it, we let him go. Still his disappointment reminded us that this interview process is not easy.

Monday, February 9, 2009

I should not be writing this right now

I should actually be in the hospital, in jail or dead.

Miraculously I somehow avoided a SERIOUS collision with a drunken idiot running a red light last night.

This guy/gal was barreling straight for my driver side at a very fast speed. I dont know exactly what I did (i was coming back from a wedding pretty buzzed) or what he/she did but we must have missed each other by inches. My brain has been playing back the event over and over again. It was almost as if it was a ghost car because I cant see how I am not seriously hurt right now. I dont think I am exaggerating. Inches.

Lets say i didnt die. Lets say the door had some great reinforced beams to protect me. Id still have Mary's car totaled and both the driver and I would be facing DWI convictions. But whatever happened was nothing short of a miracle.


Friday, February 6, 2009

You know what...

I am going to talk about Bill Gates some more.

Here is a guy who literally created an EMPIRE. Of course Windows is built on top of DOS so he didn't even really innovate as much as he took something and made it easier and more accessible to the common man. Some would argue he stole the idea. Either way I guess this could be considered innovation but its the cool king of piggybacking innovation that sparks change.

He subsequently became one of the RICHEST men in the world. (Yet the man took years to spring for a decent pair of glasses.)

Now he and his wife have the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Warren Buffet gave the bulk of his fortune to the foundation because he believes in what they do. In a fascinating and rare appearance, Bill, Melinda and Warren talked with Charlie Rose. (it gives me a very large lump in my throat to see these powerful people so dedicated to society)

Rather than sit back and buy luxory yachts and have extravagant parties (Like Microsoft VP Paul Allen) They turned Bill's fortune into MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF GOOD FOR HUMANITY.

Think about that for a second. Bill Gates has achieved the cliche. Create amazing wealth and do something real with it. This man might actually go down in history more for his upcoming philanthropy than his domination in the home PC market.

Bill Gates might be described as the definition of self-actualization. He took his talents and now has created something that will outlive himself forever. He has nothing political to gain for his actions (that I can see). I truly believe he simply sees a need and wants to do something about it.

I heart bill gates.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I like Bill

Bill Gates is just cool.

Going to the Za Za

I have a wedding to attend in Houston this weekend. I don't know the bride or the groom. I don't know the attendees. I hear the hotel Za Za is ultra chic but I have never heard of it.

What I do know is that I will wear a tux and my converse. My date will probably be embarrassed. I hope to see something cool like someone falling into the cake or my absolute dream wedding fantasy....someone standing up and speaking now rather than holding their peace.

The little plaque invitations they sent out must have cost them several thousand dollars. This is going to be an interesting experience indeed.

Monday, February 2, 2009

whole lotta little crap

computer fried from a power getting towed in questionable on its last leg...speeding premiums skyrocketing due to a payment lapse...a bad case of gout...just kidding. no gout.

wouldn't that suck.