Thursday, May 29, 2008


Emo's here we come. Opening for two nationally touring, radio playing, magazine touted indie darlings Oh No! Oh My!, and Tacks the Boy Disaster. I just got the call today. For a second I almost didn't post this in fear of jinxing myself but thats just ridiculous. (....isnt it?)

June 27th so we have time to brush up on our new stuff and get everyone to show up and support us. I'm happy but containing it. Sometimes I'm just too superstitious to enjoy things fully.

still. sweet.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Threshold (my apartment looks great)

I have flurries of interest in self help books, seminars and CDs. I buy them, get inspired and things are churning along but I seem to fall back into a base level of motivation that I am not satisfied with.

I think its simply a matter of making those changes in my life a habit. That takes time and an almost hand slapping of yourself where you literally have to force yourself to do things for a period of time to make it part of your nature.

Cleaning is a big one for me. I cleaned my apartment the other day, reorganized my closet, threw out a bunch of crap I didn't need etc. It felt terrific. But the moments before my doing things like that are miserable for me. I have to reach a level where I literally cannot stand that nagging feeling that I need to do it.

Ive read that this is called Threshold. Where the pain of not doing something overrides the pain of actually doing it. And according to NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) its the key to making lasting changes in your life of ANY kind.

Its true motivation at its essence.

Obese people become so sick of being unhealthy, leered at etc that they will do whatever it takes to lose the weight. Smokers/drug addicts/alcoholics create the association that their addictions equal possible death or illness rather than a quick comfortable state change.

Because if anything in life is a "should" rather than a "must", it wont happen.

I'm going to put together a list of my "shoulds" and work on turning them into "musts." I hear its all about realizing what it means to you if they don't happen and keep your focus on that.

Monday, May 26, 2008

nothings important (and maybe thats bad)

I'm tired of seeing everything through such an ariel view. I pride myself on my ability to rise above any situation and see it for being truly insignificant in the grand scheme of things. But I think there is another side to the coin that I need to consider.

It seems if nothing really matters then life loses focus. My band right now is doing some really cool things. Part of it is because we are making some quality material. Part of it is simply knowing the right people.

Regardless I have this defense mechanism firmly in place telling me that my success or failure in this project is no big deal. If I fail its only rock and roll. Well screw that. I think thats my fear of failure creating a cop out. I want to succeed.

We had a recording of our last show and it sounded pretty rough. Part of it was the mix but I know certain parts were truly the sign of a baby band making newbie mistakes. I hated about 75% of my vocals. I could hear the uncontrolled energy and slight nervousness that I want to eliminate to truly focus on a solid vocal performance that I believe I am capable of.

I don't want to just let it slide. I want to get better and I want to succeed and Im tired of my own lack of 100% dedication to achieving real success, whatever that may be to us....simply because I am so Zen about things. Once again screw being Zen sometimes. I do it too much and it might be a weakness in some ways.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

fantastic band

I don't know why it is that I tend to blank when someone asks me what I am currently listening to.

Well Stars has to be one of my favorite bands as of late. They can take my numbest days and make me feel something again.

The video itself is not all that amazing but the song itself kills me. Huge influence on me and I want to the world to know about these guys (and gals).

Too bad 4 people read this blog. heh. including myself.

Friday, May 23, 2008


i had a dream i was brushing my teeth with a toilet brush.

the map is not the territory

Ive been thinking about how every person on earth is experiencing reality completely differently than one another. It kinda freaked me out and led me to wonder how any of us can ever truly relate to someone.

In NLP they talk about how "The map is not the territory" which basically means that our perception of the world is not the actual world itself.

A few things have come up lately that have brought this truth to light in my own life. I have spent the last several days completely consumed with a fear that I am almost certain is a complete myth I created in my head. But a small part of me believes it regardless.

I am always reading the people around me and stupidly assume that their actions, change of tone or behaviors are related to me somehow. The sucky part is when your fear was correct and was actually the voice of intuition. This leads you to expect that every other assumption will come to pass eventually. total BS but almost impossible to convince your brain otherwise.

This little episode of doubt and concern has somehow spilled into other aspects of my day. How much of my interactions and experiences are a product of my filters of perception? What can I do to rid myself of the destructive patterns I have held for years. How will I even know when I am having them?

What would life be like if you could remove those destructive filters permanently? For instance if I see a beautiful girl in the grocery store, what if I could turn off the voice that says I'm not good enough, good looking enough, rich enough, etc that paralyzes me from approaching and saying hi? What would my life be like if I had no negative filter?

I know the answer to that. Because I have had that fearlessness. Recently. And it usually turns out good.

But still. My life is completely defined by the perceptions I have placed on my world. I want to be fearless all the time, in every aspect of life. Rather than fear starting my own business and the potential failure I could see it as an opportunity to escape the rat race and create a financial legacy that will outlive me.

Its all about what I decide is more real to me.

Boom my head exploded.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Deja Vu recap

So we played Deja Vu again last night. Our friends the Abby Birds opened for us. 2 of the bandmembers are in the slightly famous although still pretty underground band called Oh No! Oh My!. I got to pick their brains after the show about all things music industry related.

They make enough money with licensing to not have to have a real job which is a complete dream come true for me. Their stories of their European tour were quite juicy.

It looks like we might have a chance to open for them and Tacks the Boy Disaster next month. That will be our biggest show to date at THE venue in Austin for live music. Fingers crossed but I should know soon.

The set went well. I didn't change my strings before going on and worried about them breaking. Sure enough in the first song I broke a string. So we broke out the back up guitar which has a totally different feel and tone. I was worried I would have to play the entire set with a guitar I don't feel comfortable with but the guitarist from the Abby Birds offered to restring my guitar for me. She is hands down my new favorite person. She had it strung by the next song and we were back on track.

Our dance song got people up and moving so it was cool to see people shaking their asses to our stuff.

Overall good show, better second half. Tonight I go to bed early.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

busy busy

Abe and I went to Radiohead in Dallas this weekend. Had a blast at the show and going out. Austin is a far superior city though. Still, the short skirts and wispy women are there in Dallas too. I would put central Texas women up against any other region of the world for a "Oh my god, holy shit" quality of beauty.

Big show this Wednesday at Deja Vu. We're breaking out a new song that can only be described as Dance Party USA. The show will be recorded so I am very excited about that.

New job going well. Music going well. My only complaint is there is not enough hours in the day.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Opening for 2 nationally touring acts

We have a show opening for 2 nationally touring acts June 7th. Sweet.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

the coolest part of my day

There's a little roadrunner who shows up under my window and battles his reflection in the mirrored windows of my office building. He's showed up 3 times now.

I picture him waking up thinking about kicking that birds ass again today.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

what is my problem

why don't I just call her.....