Tuesday, March 31, 2009


so funny to me how history repeats itself. Its such a cliche that the phrase has lost its power.

but here we are in the greatest and most powerful country ever and facing all these huge problems. WIth all of our technology and improvements we are still repeating the same things over and over.

I'm just hoping its a 1930s problem and not a Rome kind of thing.

Monday, March 23, 2009

the next four years...

god I gotta make a shitload of money and save it.

either that or buy a gun, move to somewhere remote and learn to farm.

(long story)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

murphys law

no sooner do i get a new car does some lame ass chick pull into a spot beside me in a parking lot downtown and CRACK MY DRIVERS SIDE MIRROR.


i know its shallow but I am so pissed at this situation. yes its a car and it could have been worse but dammmmmmmmitttttttt..


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Goodbye Saturn

i bought a used car yesterday...hyundai sonata. Its a luxury vehicle compared to the saturn.

All I have to say is the car buying process sucks. I am not a fan of talking to car salesmen.

One question... why did the finance manager not even have a calculator I could use?


The car is actually an 08 that used to be a rental car but its looks clean inside and out. 36000 miles or so. car payments... 158 a month. I put a big chunk down. I made them show me a carfax report. I didnt let them try to talk me into lower monthly payments and asked for the FINAL price I would get after finance charges etc.

Overall I give myself a 7 in negotiating. My saturn was literally on its last breath so I was a bit pressed to get something that day so I should have went to my bank for a better APR. I kinda got screwed but I believe I can refinance at some point so that takes care of that.

My brain raced as I dealt with these people and I learned a lot about what to do next time I buy a better car. Overall I am satisfied and just hope the car doesnt turn out to have problems.

Monday, March 16, 2009

the votes are in....

Troll 2 is the worst film ever made.

Seriously watch some clips of this and marvel at how lame it is. So lame in fact SXSW premiered a documentary of the making of this thing.

IMDB gave it a score of 0. The actors are cult heroes now (and probably the worst actors I have ever seen on film). The trolls are midgets in potato sacks with cheap masks. The plot is odd and unfollowable.

The script was apparently written in another language and then translated into english so its beyond awkward.

Basically put its the stuff cult films are made of. What I find hilarious is that there was never even a troll 1. I imagine the director...."if we make it part 2 then maybe it will do better in the theaters..."

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I heart our new drummer

Alex is awesome. We met up with him and let him know he's in.

He told us how he felt like a little girl checking his email every day for our response. The dude is totally stoked to play with us and we couldn't be happier with our decision. We sat around, had beers and hugged as a foursome several times. It was totally cheesy but absolutely awesome. I am more stoked to be part of this band then ever.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

little ditty

no melody yet. just words.

sometimes I am just an actor
in this bankrupt silence
driving home from you

nothing you can put together
covers up the violence
of the things we get into

sometimes I'm floating weightless
in the empty spaces
of another aftermath

I can almost see the angels
furrowing their faces
as I'm slipping out the back

Monday, March 9, 2009

Lil Wayne and the SATs

a correlation between what you listen to and how smart you are?


check us out on twitter....



so we finished recording saturday. still several steps until we actually have a CD in our hands but the laying down tracks part of it is over. Like anything creative I could find all kinds of things I would want to change or do differently or add, but if you dont decide to be finished with something like this you could be working on it forever.

We have a drummer now too. Well he doesnt know it yet but we made a decision. Nice guy, talented and actually puts forth on effort to keep in touch with us. He really digs what we are doing and wants to be a part of it.

Phase 2 is coming up. A whole world of unexpected surprises await us. Lets just hope they are good ones. At least a decent ratio of good to lame.

What I am most curious about is absolute strangers opinions of us. In my head I have all the criticisms I expect to hear. I will keep them to myself however. But if I notice several people saying the same things then its worth looking into and considering. But yeah 9 months in the making. Sweet.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Google Maps

i can see a picture of the house, the yard and the carport. Its that moment right before it starts getting darker and the sun is going down behind the trees. I liked that part of the day.

One day google will update their photos and that picture will be gone.

I feel lost looking at it. Like that was the last shred of comfort I will ever know. Its such an abrupt thing. I know this was expected for over a year but when something is there one day and gone the next its difficult.

A couple weeks ago my mom and I drove back to the house one last time. The electricity was cut off and the door was open. An abandoned house. I left my car lights on so they would point inside for us.

I walked through every room using my phone's screen as a flashlight. The only thing left were old things we didnt want to take with us. it was silent and very dark.

I pried off the 2 the 1 and the 7 of the address and put it in my trunk.

We stood outside and looked down that pretty hill at the boathouse and the river. The trees were already gone. Mom was finally touched after showing little emotion when I would discuss what was coming. It was dawning on her much later than it did me.

I understand this thing is kind of cheesy and lame to people outside of the situation. But its not to me. I know the ceremonies I created for it did it justice and I am not taking anything for granted.

No Creative Title

New Orleans was fun. I paced myself and did pretty well keeping up with the 25 year olds. In fact me and a few other guys were the last ones standing as the sun peeked over the horizon.

Gambled a little, won then lost. down 40. I had a blast regardless.

My car is making some crazy noises so I played with my budget and I think I can swing a used car around 10-12K.

I dread the car buying process. I dont want to play games. I know the dude is going to want to make some money and I am going to want to save some money. So I should probably brush up on my negotiation skills. I am not a good haggler.

wrote some painfully good lyrics. you know you're on the right track when it makes you uncomfortable as you write them. I keep humming my own melody all day today so I might have a winner on my hands. But I have felt this way before and have been very very wrong.