Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Google Maps

i can see a picture of the house, the yard and the carport. Its that moment right before it starts getting darker and the sun is going down behind the trees. I liked that part of the day.

One day google will update their photos and that picture will be gone.

I feel lost looking at it. Like that was the last shred of comfort I will ever know. Its such an abrupt thing. I know this was expected for over a year but when something is there one day and gone the next its difficult.

A couple weeks ago my mom and I drove back to the house one last time. The electricity was cut off and the door was open. An abandoned house. I left my car lights on so they would point inside for us.

I walked through every room using my phone's screen as a flashlight. The only thing left were old things we didnt want to take with us. it was silent and very dark.

I pried off the 2 the 1 and the 7 of the address and put it in my trunk.

We stood outside and looked down that pretty hill at the boathouse and the river. The trees were already gone. Mom was finally touched after showing little emotion when I would discuss what was coming. It was dawning on her much later than it did me.

I understand this thing is kind of cheesy and lame to people outside of the situation. But its not to me. I know the ceremonies I created for it did it justice and I am not taking anything for granted.

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