Monday, March 9, 2009


so we finished recording saturday. still several steps until we actually have a CD in our hands but the laying down tracks part of it is over. Like anything creative I could find all kinds of things I would want to change or do differently or add, but if you dont decide to be finished with something like this you could be working on it forever.

We have a drummer now too. Well he doesnt know it yet but we made a decision. Nice guy, talented and actually puts forth on effort to keep in touch with us. He really digs what we are doing and wants to be a part of it.

Phase 2 is coming up. A whole world of unexpected surprises await us. Lets just hope they are good ones. At least a decent ratio of good to lame.

What I am most curious about is absolute strangers opinions of us. In my head I have all the criticisms I expect to hear. I will keep them to myself however. But if I notice several people saying the same things then its worth looking into and considering. But yeah 9 months in the making. Sweet.

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