Saturday, May 29, 2010


I have barely left the house today. No prospects for going out. Its one of those nights where I am just going to drink and watch hulu.

I feel like a loser.

BUT tomorrow will be a new me. I have PLANS with a capital P. ;)

Not sure what the emotion means but I have to be in the thick of something. Always. And tonight is full of pent up anxiety without cause despite knowing full well that this weekend is going to rock. I wish I were not on this couch typing to this desert of a blog.

HELLLLOOOOO? Is anyone out there?

Of course not. You are somewhere having a blast right now. Jerk(s).

Friday, May 28, 2010


Dont check out the underwater footage. Its gruesome. Plumes of oil just vomiting into our environment.

I hope we get it plugged soon. I watched legendary oil man T Boone Pickens on Larry King last night. He was not optimistic about our current ideas for stopping this. The only sure fire way to stop it is to tap into it from somewhere else.

And I heard that this is a process that may take a very long time. That BP actually started this the day it happened, knowing full well this would be a slow process and every other idea would be a shot in the dark.

Unfortunately I heard this from a reliable source.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

San Francisco!

So Thursday I am heading to San Francisco with my friend Michelle where we will stay with her friend and just goof around until Sunday. Were going to hit up Alcatraz, all the districts and hang out by the ocean. Should be a fun few days. I will have some pics to share when I get back.


(fingers crossed this weekend isnt the one where everything slides into the ocean)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

High Violet

Something tells me this album is going to become important to me.

"The storm will suck the pretty girls into the sky"

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I decided that my inspiration as a songwriter is primarily made up of people, particularly females. Not just in a romantic dynamic but just the world of the female. Friends, family, lovers and passers-by.

I don't enjoy political songs. I don't enjoy stories much. I like focusing on the minutiae of human interactions and how people get by and for some reason the female consumes the bulk of my writing.

My most recent song is about a friend of mine. Its about her mess of a life. I know her well. She is a window to me and I get everything about why she has made the choices she has made. I see her clawing at her own mistakes reaching for the shore. She has had it tough and those hazy memories are affecting her deeply. Her friends, the men she dates... it all comes back to a tragic foundation completely out of her control and I don't judge her for it.

We never dated or were intimate. I wonder if we would have good relationship we have now if that were different. I wonder what she would think if she knew the song was about her.

But I'm proud of it and think i captured a part of my life and her life pretty well. It makes me want to write more about people I know or have met or think about. There are novels in each of our lives. We just trick ourselves into thinking we are boring.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Just turned around a campaign for my new employer. It is now a 10K a month producing little biz directly related to my efforts.


Working from home is hard

But I have a pizza on the way. That should count for something.