Saturday, August 23, 2014

My aunt Sandi suddenly died last week. I've been driving back and forth from Dallas to Houston to Austin for the last few days and its been exhausting.

The memorial service was today. I spoke a bit about her. I told the crowd how I took my pants off the night she first met me. I was 5. Shes been a big part of my family life since I can remember.

Her husband (my uncle) and his kids (my cousins) are handling as best they could. I feel for them. I worry about them. But its so tragic my brain wont let me cross into the super sad state of mind for some reason. I am sad but its not the level of sad I would expect. Or is it? Does that come later?

Its very weird to have someone who was fine one day suddenly leave this world and your life. I see a picture of her and I feel like she's still around. I literally cannot imagine the pain my cousins and uncle are feeling right now.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Last night I had a dream my ex girlfriend showed up to some random social gathering I was attending. She began flirting with my friends.

Rather than get mad or say anything I walked off and started teaching someone how to play chess. It wasn't just anyone. It was a mentally challenged woman I knew from the church I grew up in.

I sat her down and the dream turned into an incredibly long sequence where I laid out every pieces movement, the rules of chess and then we played a game. She picked it up fine. The dream was actually very detailed with what I said to her. Literally every piece was covered including the basic rules. I was patient and happy to share the info.

On its surface the dream wasnt much but the attention to detail of my instruction fascinates me. It was a simple yet odd dream that I felt like documenting for whatever reason.