Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Threshold (my apartment looks great)

I have flurries of interest in self help books, seminars and CDs. I buy them, get inspired and things are churning along but I seem to fall back into a base level of motivation that I am not satisfied with.

I think its simply a matter of making those changes in my life a habit. That takes time and an almost hand slapping of yourself where you literally have to force yourself to do things for a period of time to make it part of your nature.

Cleaning is a big one for me. I cleaned my apartment the other day, reorganized my closet, threw out a bunch of crap I didn't need etc. It felt terrific. But the moments before my doing things like that are miserable for me. I have to reach a level where I literally cannot stand that nagging feeling that I need to do it.

Ive read that this is called Threshold. Where the pain of not doing something overrides the pain of actually doing it. And according to NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) its the key to making lasting changes in your life of ANY kind.

Its true motivation at its essence.

Obese people become so sick of being unhealthy, leered at etc that they will do whatever it takes to lose the weight. Smokers/drug addicts/alcoholics create the association that their addictions equal possible death or illness rather than a quick comfortable state change.

Because if anything in life is a "should" rather than a "must", it wont happen.

I'm going to put together a list of my "shoulds" and work on turning them into "musts." I hear its all about realizing what it means to you if they don't happen and keep your focus on that.

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