Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I have been researching Silver as an investment.

A few years ago my wealthy friend (mentioned a few posts down) told me over dinner to get ready for a big economic fallout. He told me to invest in Silver/Gold asap. Gold was out of my price range but Silver was a nice 10 bucks or so per ounce.

Of course his description of what was to come was just so awful sounding my brain simply didn't process it. I couldn't accept some of the things he was telling me. Hyperinflation, the middle class being wiped out. AH!

It was very Chicken Little-ish and I went about my business.

Fast forward to today. In the last 3 months Silver has jumped from 17 to 30 per ounce. Regardless of whether the economy will completely collapse and readjust great depression style, I can honestly say i should have put a shit ton of money in Silver.

So I bought some books he recommended and I hope to find some other side of the coin authors to get perspective, but if my buddys prediction is accurate we are looking at a very busy 2 or 3 years. One filled with huge economic changes that will affect the entire world. It will be what he calls an unprecedented "transfer of wealth" from the unprepared to those in the know and well-positioned.

The United Stated of China anyone?


Here is a cartoon explaining some important things


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