Monday, March 4, 2013

Star Stuff

I've been watching Carl Sagan's original Cosmos series. He brings a wonder and near-spirituality to science that completely blows me away. Every episode I say "Wow" at least 3 times.

The sheer size of the universe is mind-boggling the way Sagan breaks it down. Our time in this universe is only a sneeze in the overall timeline of creation. We are made of the exact same things as stars billions of light years away. Stuff we already know, but he paints it eloquently and makes me feel like I'm learning it for the first time.

He talks about potential other universes, the complexity of DNA, whale songs and I find myself laughing at the fact that this series is 30 years old yet I know very little about most of the stuff he talks about.

He also covers religion which ties into a conversation my friend and I have been continuing to have about Hinduism (his family's religion). Its the only religion that closely matches the true nature of science and what we know about the universe.

Maybe because Sagan is on my mind a lot, I start to notice his influence. I met a woman last night at a show and her dog was named Sagan. We chatted awhile and were both excited to discuss Cosmos.

I know I'm late to the fan-club but the guy was/is awesome.

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