Wednesday, October 9, 2013

It was right under my nose.

I get comfortable in my own mediocrity. I sit on my ass and work and forget what I am capable of. Music. Words. Friends. Fun. I forget.

I am "succeeding" yet my life feels a bit soggy. The crispness of experience is dulled. I am my own worst enemy but I am slowly but surely figuring myself out.

Theres too much in my head to be eloquent. But Im going to let "doing" explain it all for me.

Its going to take resolve. Confidence. Breaking free from comfort and the easy route of mediocrity. So help me I will make life vibrant despite my genetic predisposition for simply existing.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I feel this way on a regular basis. A moment comes where I stop and look around and think, where am I? what am I doing with my life? I feel so blase and apathetic.

It happens to everyone I think. I'm just happy that you are able to identify it and make changes. If you ever feel yourself slipping into the apathy without a rope ladder of escape, call me. We will take a weekend and go reignite the fire of creativity and adventure :) Love you Brudy. <3 Mi.