Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hooray for the Art Show

Wow Iris kinda freaked out. A LOT of people showed up to this show. But no cops were called, nothing was destroyed (other than one of my strings and Travis' snare, which we rigged with duct tape.)

We made back some of the money we spent on the beer so that was nice. A lot of very nice people came and were enthusiastic so I feel good about things. I'm never really fully satisfied with my performance but I need to get over it. Jared and Michelle were there so I had the family thing going. They seemed to enjoy themselves. A journalist showed up and gave me some good constructive criticism. I need that more than I need praise.

I really enjoy this whole music playing thing. I think Id like to do it for a living. How on earth are we going to make that happen? I get nervous just thinking about it. I think a big challenge for me will be maintaining a self reliance and belief in my abilities when the the going gets rough. This point in time for the band is all praise for us because we are playing for mainly friends and friends of friends. Though i notice comments that seem above and beyond obligatory remarks I have to keep my head together. I know my weaknesses and thats all I see sometimes.

Yet I know we are a young band with promise. I believe it. I hear people say they hear our name being thrown around in conversations. That feels nice. But I cant rest until I'm paying my bills with it. Even then I don't think I am going to want to rest. Ill be living a dream and will want to take it as far as it will go.

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