Monday, March 17, 2008

Strange Times

I find it slightly ironic that this health situation hits me right when I decide to start changing my diet and lifestyle. My mom said it might have been my own subconscious letting me know that I wasn't treating my body right. For some reason I do see that being a possibility. I always believed that the answers to your life are usually right in front of you and your mind/unconscious/soul actually has a good idea of what is best for you. We usually just ignore it.

So as much as I love Wendy's, Whataburger etc. I think I love my quality of life more.

God, shopping at whole foods is pricey though. I bought a bunch of good stuff today. I am going to do my best to make this a lasting change rather than a fad. My face is slowly getting movement back and I have come to appreciate how i used to have a two sided smile. That and being able to wink at people. Something I never did but think I should start trying.

It looks like we will be playing a set in front of over a thousand people next month. We have a prime slot on Sunday. This is something I am having a hard time wrapping my brain around. Needless to say I am jazzed as all get out. Ill have to fly down there right after Kevin's wedding.

My life is completely different than a year ago. And I am grateful for it.

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