Friday, January 4, 2013

I am currently writing this post on my new laptop. I went with the Macbook Pro. Its gorgeous. Its powerful. It was expensive so it better be everything and then some.

Apple is an amazing company. No other product has the brand loyalty, the innovation and the flat out beauty and construction as these guys. As a study of how a business should be, Apple is at the top of the pile.

I am paying this off with 18 months of no interest which should not be a problem for me. Opening this thing up today was the closest thing to feeling like a giddy child I have felt in a long time.

In other news I met with a friend tonight after one of his gigs. We talked music mostly. He's going to school for composition and is currently writing pieces for bassoon, piano and violen. All of which he can play personally. He recently posted a video of himself playing Bach on the piano in the UT auditorium. I know of no one else who has that level of mastery and to hear him speak about his own shortcomings is funny to me. He fits the textbook definition of a prodigy but is plagued by his own self doubt. I take selfish solace in that.

He actually played some of his singer songwriter stuff at my bands last gig. He brought up my performance several times. He legitimately likes my songwriting and it really makes me think about my material. Giving up on it entirely would be a mistake and his compliments mean a lot to me. He continually brings up one of my versus as really doing a number on him. I have my moments and I really hope to keep music a part of my life, despite the growing disconnect I feel with it.

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