Saturday, June 15, 2013

It's Friday night and Im sitting at home. Went to pick up some food and got stopped by a cop. Dead headlight. Suddenly Im happy I didn't go out tonight. That could have been very bad.

I have not written in this blog in a month. Nothing terribly interesting going on. I have two new clients and Im a bit nervous about them panning out long term. I need them to. The first half of 2013 has been a little tight.

I've been sailing every week for about 3 weeks now which has been fun. My friend and I went with two attractive women last week so that was a nice day. Im getting the hang of reading the wind and making the boat do what I want it to do. The wind was so strong last week that it threw us around like rag dolls. I just dropped the sail and turned the engine on like an amateur. But we got back in one piece.

Speaking of attractive women... my dating life is in the feast period as opposed to famine. It cycles around so I know not to get excited or down with every pass but I am enjoying myself for the time being. As usual weird things happen when I am content with my dating life. Women text that I haven't spoken to in forever. I seriously think there is something to this but I can't possibly say what it is.

I've been recording a lot more which is good but I am not working as much because of it so I need to manage my time better.

Im not working out enough. I think Im doing once, maybe twice per week. Not good enough. Im having a hard time getting motivated to exercise.

And I just bored myself to sleep.

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