Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Humanity let me down

So Daniel (from the band) had his house literally ransacked by some vagrants today. They took a few things but mostly just went through each room and tried to create as much destruction as they could by flipping things over, spraypainting the walls and just rummaging through everything.

It's so disheartening to hear that there are people who will literally break in to your home and have the nerve to do something like this. I try to imagine what these people were thinking as they broke the back window in the middle of the day and just ran around destroying strangers personal property. Especially people as nice as Daniel and his roommates. I cant wrap my head around it.

Luckily the band room was relatively untouched. Suprisingly. These people were obviously not thieves looking for valuables. regardless they left a spray paint can so hopefully the police will be able to get something from the evidence.

I want to scream obscenities but it would be a waste of breath. It could have been much worse. Daniel said his guitar, amp and keyboard were untouched so thats all that matters to him. He'll sleep soundly among the mess knowing this. Something about that makes it sadder to me.

Humanity let me down today.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

sorry to hear about this... it's amazing to me the things people do to each other- no respect, no consideration. it's disheartening and frightening at the same time... is this what we've come to?

Fortunately, there's a lot of good around too- you just have to look harder than we did as kids.