Friday, May 15, 2009

show recap

weird weird show man.

First off in true me fashion I thought I sucked. Nothing new there.

But it was def rough in some points, the new drummer screwed up a few times. I wore a shirt that started to smell very very bad as my body chemistry began reacting to it. Im at the piano for a song and daniel walks up and quietly says "you smell"


So we do our thing and get off stage and obviously the world we were in and what the audience saw were two different things. Nothing but abnormally nice and positive responses. Our t-shirts flew off the shelves. Partly because they look incredible and we are selling them for 5 bucks each.

We were blown away that our merch was so hot. Dudes that I wouldnt expect in a million years to wear a shirt with a bird on it were buying two.

The headlining band was nothing but nice to us. The owner wants us to have our CD release party there. Its nice to have another big city nearby with MUCH less competition that we can play.

But I felt a bit foreign up there. In my own head. Its been awhile. Its not like riding a bike. its like speedreading. Use it or lose it. Glad it was in another city entirely. Jeeze Im such a cynic.

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