Monday, June 22, 2009

movie weekend

i am the worst moviegoer but this weekend I worked overtime. I saw Star Trek (really good), 300 (good i guess) and The Hangover (a little better than okay).

John's fiancee had her bachelorette party. She came home around 1 and called John. He left the bar to go be with her.

We are stealing his phone for next Friday and getting him a lap dance. The dude is joined at the hip with her but it all changes next week. (Maniacal laughter and tented fingertips)

Something really interesting about those two is that they are both atheists. They are also super great people. My Christian school programming from kindergarten through 2nd grade is still with me at times but I honestly have come to the conclusion that subscribing to any kind of dogma or religious belief says absolutely nothing about your worth as a moral, kind individual. I know atheists and christians that I would trust equally with my secrets, my friendship and my phone calls from a broken down car on the side of the road.

If someone asked what my belief was I would probably just say "confused".

ANYWAY...Watching the play count on our myspace page is like crack. I have to not do it much or else it corrupts the numbers. But Friday was like 300 plays so that was pretty cool. Were getting nice emails from folks and look forward to begin whoring ourselves out for reviews and shows. =P


That Birdhouse said... mccallip?

listened to some of your stuff on friday night, i guess. sounds great dude. put some up on the website, i know it's easier said than done.

anyway, exciting times.

- said...

yeah the very same john! His bachelor party is Friday.