Born Jesse Pearl James (yes thats right Jesse James) my grandmother now sports the less than criminal last name of Maker. She has 5 children, a slew of grandchildren and is quite possibly the kindest most selfless person on earth.
I dont use the word Saint lightly but this woman has dedicated her entire life to serving others. So much in fact that she doesnt feel happy unless she is nurturing something. Lately its 4 enormous dogs.
In the past several years, She has basically nursed several of my elderly family members right up through sickness to a peaceful, at home passing. All without expecting anything in return. I believe in karma to a certain extent and this woman has loaded up on it and I can only imagine what waits her in the afterlife. In a world full of "whats in it for me", this woman is an anomolie and I love her dearly.
I could talk for days about her but I think I'll just use one story that I think sums her up nicely.
We have a very old upright piano in our house. It was given to us by who knows what ancient relative. The thing must weigh 1000 lbs. Its so old it actually still has many of the original ivory keys on it. (and yes ivory is terrible my family and I agree also.) When I was little I pretty much drove my hot wheels over most of the keys and either chipped them or removed them completely.
As I got older I started to try to play the piano. I took some lessons. Being the hyperactive kid I was I never got far and grew tired of three blind mice and hot cross buns. They are the same damn song by the way!!!!
One day my cousin Wendy sat down and played something that instantly stole my attention for years to come. Heart and Soul. Yes the song from the movie Big. She showed me how to play it and I awkwardly set to getting it down solid. It was slow going.
I kid you not, I literally played that same progression for years after that. Sometimes I would slow it down, other times I would play it faster but it was always the same thing.
Every time I sat down at the piano it was Heart and Soul. Not even the full version. Just the intro.
Now here comes the cool part. Every time I played it my grandma mysteriously ended up near me. Sometimes she would be cooking. Other times she would be reading a magazine, but if I played heart and soul, she was always within ear shot. I spent a lot of time with her back then so it didn't strike me as unusual.
After years of the same damn song I finally realized how annoying that must be and asked her about it. "How could you take that song over and over and over again like that?"
She said "Because you played it beautifully."
So this is for you Jesse Pearl James Maker. You are important to many many people, especially me.
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