Thursday, November 13, 2008


I just realized today that I am behind on everything pop culture related. Movies, music you name it I am terribly out of touch.

I'm the guy who comes up to you and says hey have you heard the new [band name] album?

And I hear "Yeah like 6 months ago."

I don't know what happened. For example I just discovered the Flight of the Conchords and had no clue brilliant shows like that existed. Probably because I don't have HBO.

I do have cable but the more I think about it, the more I get pissed at myself. All I watch is Fox (which i dont need cable for), comedy central (which I can catch most shows online now) and CNN. I'm wasting money each month on something that steals my time. I could pour that into my online business efforts. Stupid.

I've never seen Lost which I hear is hands down some of the most brilliant television ever created. Everyone tells me not to watch it or lose days of my life catching up with it. Come on. Can it really be that good?

Here is what I need to do. Cancel my cable, start buying used books off Amazon and reading every night for at least an hour.

I also need to exercise, eat right and pick up the guitar every now and then outside of practice.

My big focus right now is getting a side business online going. My friend Mike has referred me to some web guys to get me set up as an affiliate for his mega successful online product. I was called today in a 3 way meeting from two guys and they were treating me very professionally and were super helpful about helping me start this thing. They are actually going to alter their whole program to achieve the results I would like to get out of being an affiliate.

They mentioned that they are going to take care of me because I am Mike's good friend. Once again proving that who you know will open doors faster than anything else. I have a great opportunity to take the knowledge I have now and the added boost of special treatment to get something real started.

1 comment:

That Birdhouse said...

we still live without cable, so it can be done. you will be behind people on pop culture stuff, but remember it's meaningless. because you missed the last episode of whatever cable show people watch, you're enhancing your brain, making new ideas, creating new rational relationships in your head. that's sweet. read it up man. when i graduate, i am going to be a reading fiend.

by the way, have you heard the new walkmen album?