Monday, May 2, 2011

Adventures in Banking

So today was totally surreal.

First off my grandmothers caretaker is scamming her out of her money. Family decides its time to get her out.

I go to the bank to close her account. I see a guy I havent seen in 10 years or more at the teller. Mildly strange. Then it just got ridiculous.

Suddenly I hear a gunshot and I watch out the window as a man comes stumbling into the bank bleeding from the top of his head. Someone had ran up, stole his bag and SHOT HIM IN THE HEAD.

Everyones freaking out. Im thinking its about to be a bank robbery so I hide under the desk.

Circus of police and firetrucks etc rush up seconds later. Witnesses are talking. The dude I used to know calmly got on his bike and rode off. in fact he was conducting his business as this man was sitting in the center of the floor bleeding profusely. He was always a pretty weird guy.

Absolutely insane day.

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