Thursday, May 19, 2011

The lineup for ACL this year is ridiculous. Elbow??? Stevie Wonder?? Wow.

We are on to vocals now with the album. Its going well for the most part. Still no clue when this thing will be released. But so far I like what Ive done with a few exceptions.

Went on a date with a woman 6 years older than me. She has the body of women nearly half her age. I get the feeling that shes a bit materialistic. But holy moly shes smoking. Guessing those things often go hand in hand.

She seemed to like me and expressed interest in hanging out again. Honestly I just want to see her naked. Appalling? Perhaps. But I'm tired of telling myself what I want is wrong. Yes I want to see her naked. Sounds like a fantastic way to spend an evening.

The important thing is to not lead her on, either through words or lack of words. I would love her to grab my hand, look me in the eye and say... "Hey lets just have fun." It rarely seems to be that effortless.

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