Friday, November 16, 2012

I'm Back Baby

I went and bought a mic stand and a mic cable yesterday. That was pretty much all that was standing in the way of me recording some ideas I have that are non-electronic based.

I got completely sucked into it and put down a rough version of a song that I have been listening to a few times since yesterday and Im very happy with it. Some shaky vocal parts but the bass, acoustic, electric and most drum parts are nearly fleshed out, including vocal harmonies.  Its pretty folky but I still like it.

It came quickly as have the few times I have made something I am proud of. I'm particularly proud of the bass line because I don't really fancy myself a bassist but its a creative and tasteful part.

Basically I can show this to musicians and we can be up and running quickly (when I get around to opening that can of worms again).

I spent the last 5 years being uber democratic with the creative process in a band. Often to the point of disarray. So this idea of having something I wrote 100% played by musicians sounds appealing to me. I'll take the fascist comments. Those people have no clue what happens in a band without focus. It can get ugly.

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