Thursday, July 2, 2009

3 shows this month

4th of July bash in San Antonio (Paid show), July 7th show at The Mohawk (a coveted venue we have been shooting for) and finally the Paramount Theatre the 25th for the showing of Indiana Jones (the first one) along with our names in an email going out to tens of thousands of people.

We should get the physical CDs to our doorstep next Wednesday-ish. Then what? I have no clue. I assume we will hit up folks for reviews and write ups. There is a big grey unknown coming for us and Im curious to see how it turns out. How long will our 15 minutes last if we even get that long?

I know this. Our live show needs work. We don't practice near enough. But we have some new material in the works that is pretty great so I look forward to getting that fleshed out and replacing our weaker songs with the better ones. Keep pushing towards awesomeness.

As usual I am happy but discontent. Are my (& our) flaws too much or can I hide them well enough to make a mark? Do what you do best and keep your weaknesses out of the spotlight, right? I fear critics and strangers opinions. I hear a good comment and ride on it for days. Silence gets me questioning our validity. I'm an insecure boyfriend looking for constant validation. One day I think we rock and the next I think we will never rise above "meh" status.

Woody Allen believed most of success was simply showing up. Wouldn't that be nice. All I need is a vehicle and I will see success. right. great.

1 comment:

That Birdhouse said...

80% of success is showing up. that's according to woody. i think it's more. focus on short-term, while planning for long-term. that's what you got to do. what do i have to do to get this done? now, what about that thing next week? and move like that.

the success is waiting for you. don't get caught in the routine trap. excitement only exists when you make it happen. and the great is, it's not that hard.