Monday, July 20, 2009

currently listening to....

an album i never got around to fully sitting down with.

yes... Im ready for your jibes.. Justin Timberlake's Future Sex/Love Sounds.

Here is a guy I used to love making fun of. No longer. His SNL appearances are classic and this album is Prince quality Pop music. At least 5 of the tracks are fantastic.

Serious props to Timbaland. Not sure who was exactly responsible for the actual music but its anything but lame pop radio formulaic poo ala NSync, or whatever corporate created boy band is topping the charts these days.

I have been inspired to sit down and create the ultimate dance mix. Stay tuned...

I know I'm behind on this album but I put it aside for more pretentious music. But yeah it kicks ass and I don't give a damn who knows. I cant NOT dance to it.

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