Sunday, August 30, 2009

Why I fucking love jazz

currently listening to Miles Davis' album Round About Midnight.

Here is why I love Jazz...

The date on this recording is 1955.

This thing...this vibe... was created 54 years ago and is STILL relevant to this day. Its like they recorded this song yesterday. Its still hold-your-head-in-your-hands cool. It reminds me that this whole humanity thing was just as relevant in the 50s as it is today. All the media I am familiar with around this time period crumbles into smokey quiet dust while this album plays.

I can picture myself in whatever venue this was recorded in... feeling the exact same way about my situation. And okay with it for now.

Were talking about nothing short of time traveling. Jazz has never been this good or evolved beyond this sexy walking bassline. Its frozen. This is it. This is Jazz as good as it will ever become and many people who enjoyed it while it was being created are no longer breathing. Yet I feel the music like its happening right now.

I fucking love miles davis and think Jazz is a perfect reminder that feeling this way will never ever grow old. It will be here when I am long gone too. Birth of the Cool indeed.

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