Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I probably cant go but man the lineup looks fantastic this year.

(which makes this post title misleading... oh well)

Got a short check this pay period. Someone input that I worked 52 hours rather than 72. So yeah considerably smaller paycheck. Still waiting on word on when I get it.

I applied to 2 jobs. But the resume is very simple. I dont even know how they should look these days. I pretty much have 0 formatting. Just 2 pages of qualifications. I realized I haven't had a proper job that required a resume in years.

We have a pretty cool show Friday at the Parish and I am nervous and excited about it.

I have been once again considering trying my hand at a comedy open mic. This is something I go round and round with as the years trickle by and I will one day do it. Its totally terrifying to me. It has nothing to do with playing music so its totally foreign. I figured I have to have a good sense of humor about it because I am going to suck, no question about it.

I thought about starting with a joke about how I like Wikipedia because its like cliff notes that may or may not be true. Then some comment about Fat Albert being one of the principle existentialist philosophers (and doubting it).

Yeah that's all i have so far. I would definitely have to bring some support with me. But I have few people that come to mind right now. sad.

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