Saturday, January 23, 2010

interesting night

show recap:

Overall a good, dare I say it, a great show.

Just got home. Exhausted. I didn't sleep well last night and felt heavy all day. I would say I was at a 6 or 7 in energy but there were a few factors making up for my atypical energy level.

The lights: Wow

They recently invested in a new light system. We had colors of every kind and all kinds of flashing things happening. I played to blackness most of show because the lights erased all trace of the audience from the stage.

The sound: The stage was big and the sound was a top notch, touring band kind of sound. A few people including Abe said it was the best we have ever sounded. I felt just okay with my performance but the sound aspect was indeed one of our best.

Cool stuff to mention:

A girl grabbed me and told me we were great. Then she said "Do you want my honest opinion?" I was like "of course" and she said that even though our sound wasn't exactly her style ("a little too poppy for me") she still could tell that our arrangements and our talent was apparent and we were good.

I think thats the kind of compliment that I remember most. Winning people over who arent necessarily into us as much as just having an outsider appreciation for what we do.

Finally the coolest aspect of the evening and what made it totally worth it:

The owner came up to use right after the set and said we tore it up. He then saw me at the bar a little later and said people were coming up to him asking who we were. The coup de gras came when Daniel went to collect the money and asked... "So not sure we are on par with what you are used to, but we'd love to play another show". He told Daniel that we were a great candidate to open for a nationally touring act and gave him his info.

Thats it for me. Mission accomplished. I am beyond exhausted but that is some fantastic news and what made the night worth it. The owner said we kicked serious ass. Done.

Also received an email today from a PR firm but before I expound on that I am going to see if it was a mass emailed thing or specifically for us. Its wild if its true though.

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