Wednesday, March 28, 2012

telltale signs

as far as my health goes I feel pretty great. I can bang out a quarter mile on the treadmill at speed 10 without too much gasping and panting, I am noticing distinctive changes in my muscle tone, gaining weight because of it, I'm rarely sick etc.

But damn if I don't see some thinning hair at my widows peak area. A tiny nearly imperceptible nudge letting me know that yes I am aging. My body is going to continue its change as my cells age. I've already seen the beginnings of some serious crows feet on the way as well.

Goodbye Spring Chicken phase. Hello distinguished mid thirty something.

Looking forward to that prostate exam.

1 comment:

That Birdhouse said...

and early morning when i wake up, i look like Kiss, but without the make up.