Friday, March 30, 2012

My personal brief and non scientific blueprint for longevity...

1. eat a lot of water based foods like fruits and vegetables that were recently alive

2. Keep the dairy intake low

3. Get regular exercise making sure to get your heart rate going at least 2-3 times per week

4. Stay away from sodas and things with high sugar content

5. 1 capful of a food-based liquid multivitamin every day. (I swear by this stuff)

Then the typical stuff like drinking water and watching the saturated fats.

My breakfast every morning is a smoothie consisting of the following:

1. Blueberries (frozen)
2. Strawberries or raspberries or mixed fruit (frozen)
3. Half a banana (I eat the other half)
4. Whey Protein (adds a nice vanilla kick to it)
5. Liquid Multivitamin (the secret sauce that makes this thing work!)
6. Diet Cranberry juice (keep those sugars low!)
7. Almond Milk (kicks regular milks ass!)

Viola! A dairy free, low sugar smoothie that is loaded with everything I need.

1 comment:

That Birdhouse said...

what's a personal brief?