Wednesday, June 1, 2011

padded room

In many ways my life is pretty freaking awesome right now. Good job (new client's check on my table), album on the horizon, 5-7 new songs that I'm proud of, living in one of the coolest cities ever.


Ive said this before but damn this working from home is MFing ISOLATING. I end up going out practically every night to shake off the insanity. My brain starts coming up with some very screwed up things. I think utter isolation is most definitely worse than any form of punishment known to man.

Beat me senseless. Rip off my toenails. But leave me 100% alone for a few years and that would just about do me in. At least psychologically.

And being the curious guy I am, I wonder WHY. Why is it we literally fall apart if left alone for long periods of time. We do people marry the wrong person simply because they'd rather fight and bicker than be alone. Is it the reason we have kids?

Possibly when we were small bands of tribes, being totally alone meant you would be eaten or killed. So thousands of years later we seem to have developed a distaste for it. I know a wooly mammoth is not going to come in and devour me. Yet I called a friend tonight and we're meeting at Trudy's because I gotta get OUT. Should I be drinking again? Probably not. But there's only so much work I feel like doing and Hulu I feel like watching.

A cold beer and an actual human being sounds nice tonight. And maybe a cigarette. Yes. Yes. yes.

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