Saturday, August 9, 2008

feast or famine part II

Before I make my way into Austin's robust night life I feel like continuing the last post. Hell this could become a complete series, its that interesting to me.

First, the recordings are coming along VERY NICELY. I am loving a big portion of what we are doing.


I don't really dress up much when I go out. There's something about wearing an oversized collared shirt and black shoes etc etc that makes me feel homogeneous and boring. Being a skinny guy I feel that I look best when I actually wear clothes that accentuate my frame rather than conceal it.

Which gets me thinking about attraction. I cant lie and say that my build doesn't affect my self esteem at times. I guess I could start working out but it would take a whole lot of it to get me beyond the point of being overly thin. I did it for awhile and I got very cut but still remained super thin. It really didn't make a difference in my dating life at all.

So the bottom line is attraction really isn't about that. I feel like I have dated some exceptionally beautiful women who really dug me physically. I have also seen that face of "ew he is sooo skinny". Once again its a numbers game and it all comes down to personal choice.

Of course the cool thing about women that I have found is a lot of their attraction is based on factors independent of looks. I have started with very neutral women and by a combination of teasing and complete lack of concern for her opinions have "created" attraction where there was none before.

And here comes that whole metaphysical thing again. It surrounds us and its real and can be applied here as well...

You can shape your reality by your thoughts alone. If you think you are the shit, strangely enough so will other people. I didn't say be a dick. Confidence and arrogance are separate things.

I knew some very normal looking women that thought they were the shit so lo and behold I suddenly began questioning myself. "Look at her. She thinks she is the shit. Well....Maybe she is the shit...hmm."

So tonight I am going to go out and celebrate my friend Jay's birthday. Its a beautiful evening, I am just getting my life started and I have so much the be thankful for. Good job, good band, good friends, good family, good fucking life.

So bring on the wispy, lithe and nubile 20 somethings in summer evening dresses.


Se Busca Revolucionario said...

dude..i read your blog from time to time and it always makes me a good way.

- said...

Thanks! Someone other than a family member!