Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The stranger in my apartment

Okay so I consider myself to be a pretty practical guy. Paranormal subjects are something I take with a grain of salt and anything beyond my immediate reality is heavily questioned and scrutinized. I don't claim to have any answers or definitive beliefs as to what lies beyond the senses I was born with. I know there is probably a world beyond them but I cant claim to know anything about them or talk about them as if I did.

That being said I had the weirdest experience last night.

I am in the middle of packing for my move so my apartment is in a complete state of disrepair. I took apart my bed last night so it would be easier to load when the moving guys show up. Since I didn't have a bed I decided to sleep on the couch.

In the middle of my sleep last night I had a sudden strange feeling. Like an all-body physical sensation with a strong feeling of some other presence in the room. Kinda like a deep shudder but no movement. Tingling all throughout my body. (I hope that gives a good idea of the feeling)

This sent me from my deep sleep into a half-sleep, half awake state. I remember thinking how odd the feeling was and though I was a bit scared to, I slowly forced my eyes open. And it was hard because I was very tired. This is where it gets weird.

I don't know how to explain this but when my eyes finally opened, several feet from me I caught what made out to be a man slowly walking past my couch. I was too scared to move for a second. Without pause or hesitation in his stride he walked up to the wall, melted into it and was gone.

Now like I said I don't know about paranormal things. I also understand that the brain is pretty amazing and dreams can often seem like reality. And of course I was in a half-conscious state but it was probably one of the more surreal experiences of my life. Because I am almost certain that I did wake up enough to actually open my eyes. It was dark in my apartment but I could see enough of him to make out that it was a man. He wasn't like a ghostly vapor or anything. This looked like the back of a man, a few feet away from me walking by my couch. It only seemed otherworldly when he stepped through the wall.

So is it possible to dream things with your eyes open?

I couldn't move. I wanted to make some sort of "holy shit" kind of vocalization but couldn't. Another weird thing about it all was I was actually rather calm about it. Typically I can be pretty jumpy at night but I was almost paralyzed from this experience. He didn't feel like a threat of any kind so I don't even know if fear is the accurate word to use. His walk was very slow and if he had noticed me at all, it was before I actually opened my eyes. He just walked up to my wall and went right through it.

After a few seconds of processing what I saw I remember thinking that if this was real and if he was some sort of spirit or whatever that he probably means me no harm. I then closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

If it was a dream it was hands down the most surreal dream I have ever had. And I did it with my eyes open. And if it was some paranormal experience then I don't know what to say.

First what the hell are they doing wandering around? The last thing I want to do is wander around after I die. Was there a purpose for his visit? He didn't say anything or turn back and look at me after I opened my eyes. The feeling that woke me up was pretty crazy though. The actual thought of it now is more scary than the experience. I was definitely in an almost trance like state from having just woken up but the fact is something happened that stirred me and I saw something when I opened my eyes. Who knows.

I know my grandmother has nursed several people to a peaceful death and she tells me stories of these people all having similar experiences right around the moments of their passing, saying they see people who aren't there etc. Its always been fascinating to me but something I decided not to spend too much time speculating about. Either way I don't feel like I am in any danger.

The really funny thing is I have another night in that apartment on that couch. I think Ill turn the kitchen light on or something.

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