Tuesday, October 28, 2008

devils advocate

Here is a very intelligent opinion against Obama I found in a reader comment below an article, and one I can see the merits of bringing up...

"It seems unfathomable to me, that a person with a past of associations with a myriad of questionable entities and characters, of whom no one, outside of a personal circle of friends, has any inkling of a true history, could be now in contention for the highest office of the land. Be it by chance or by design, it falls to the American voting public to ferret out the true political agenda of all the candidates, so as to safeguard and preserve the integrity of the position to which they aspire. The very lack of information with respect to a candidates past, should give sufficient pause, when considering their worthiness. To otherwise neglect to properly vet or exercise one’s personal due diligence, is a travesty to the principals for which our country has always stood."

My response to this is that who in politics doesn't associate with questionable entities? It comes down to whether those questionable entities are in line with your own personal agenda, which we all have.

Yes Obama's ties are most certainly liberal. The man is of mixed race and has seen a world I will never know. I guess the question I have to ask myself is, do I believe his agenda will hurt me or help me in my own personal pursuit of happiness.

Here is what I want. I want to make good money to travel the world more. I want a loving wife eventually. I want to play music forever. So far nothing Obama says he stands for seems to really threaten that. If his agenda somehow raises my taxes a few percentage points (even though he said it wouldnt) so be it. I'll just get creative and make more money somehow(or save more money).

I also want to consider the environment. We are looking at a bleak future without a HUGE focus on it. I dont mind a few more dollars of my paycheck going towards real change in this arena. I don't see McCain really caring about this. Historically Republicans are not environmentally conscious people. I think Ill side with that rather than his rhetoric.

I want someone who brings respect back to US from the international community. We are not an island. We have serious enemies and we need friends again.

I actually don't mind the concept of universal healthcare or some sort of hybrid version of it. When I was in Spain, Marta got sick and we went to a clinic that was government based and she got an exam quickly, drugs to make her better and it was all covered and a completely painless process. Most countries are far superior to ours in their healthcare so maybe its time to look around and see there is a better model.

I don't know. Sure Obama is liberal but the last 8 years of staunch conservatism seems to have culminated into a giant clusterfuck. So there you have it. Questionable entities aside, and going on what I have been told, Obama is the better choice. If it comes down to a tanking economy or a sometimes unfair redistribution of wealth, who wouldn't pick the latter.

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