Saturday, October 11, 2008

Why I Detest Politcs

The more I follow politics the more I question how any decent human being could get anywhere without being dubious. I assume you have your well-meaning agenda somewhere buried in there among your encompassing quest for power and prestige, but I really am starting to think that morality and fairness are not character traits of someone in a high stakes political race. (everyone knows this but its starting to become VERY apparent to me lately)


Watch both videos, the first with Palin talking about abortion and the second with McCain telling people why they should not be afraid of Obama.

If you didnt follow politics much (from both sides) you would be touched by both speeches. Palin defending the rights of unborn children (using her personal story of her child with Downs Syndrom) and McCain showing a touching nod to Obama's character.

But If you noticed that the last few tirades against Obama by McCain were full of audience members shouting "Terrorist" and yes even "Kill Him" while McCain allowed these comments to go unaddressed. The media jumped on this claiming that this was not the campaign of a stand-up American.

Low and behold now we have McCain backtracking and talking about Obama as being someone who would be fit to be president, just not as good a one as he.

Similarly, you realize Palin is only giving this touching story near the election to bolster conservatives who are disheartened by The Republican ticket and need a rock and a hard place decision maker like abortion to force votes their way. fuck all this.

Dont fool yourself. There is no reason other than pure desire to win this election that these speeches are being given. My bias comes out but I honestly have not seen this kind of nonsense from the Democratic party as much. Of course if they were on the losing end of the election who knows the crap they would say.

And that is why I hate politcs.

1 comment:

Se Busca Revolucionario said...

yeah...i agree...

If i arecall correctly it was McCain who on the onset of his campaign said he would run a no smears or mud slinging campaign...well look him now. Im all race for the whitehoue'd out. I just want to cast my vote now (for Obama) and see who the winner is. I think i have heard enough.

And Palin, she is one piece of work. (sarcasm)