Thursday, October 9, 2008

dow at 9000 - Media helping?

So I cant help but think that the media's constant sensationalism only hurts us as a country in tough economic times. Yes things are spiraling out of control but when you go to and notice some of the same continual hyperbole it starts to make you wonder...

could this be exacerbating the problem just a teeny little bit? Impossible to quantify but I don't doubt it. The fact is I know people who are actually making more money than they normally do right now. They are the ones buying when everyone sells, selling when everyone buys and cleaning up. My boss is doing fine, maybe a bit slower sales than usual but nothing worth freaking out about.

Historically the fact remains...The market always bounces back. I just don't know how much suffering each of us are going to have to go through before we see a correction. Is milk going to be $20 a gallon? Will part of it be because news organizations pay their bills by reporting on catastrophe in the most bleak manner possible.

This just in...toilet paper is now $250 a roll. You are shit out of luck.

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