Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Making Money on the Internets

So I hung out with about 50 people who all make their money on the internet. They throw out numbers that would boggle anyone's mind. Making $50,000 in one day is not uncommon for some of these folks. My friend Mike is taking his entire company on a month long skiiing trip where they will work from their laptops one day, ski the next, work the next etc.

My boss doesn't see things the same way unfortunately.

I don't need that kind of money to be happy really. I do notice that everyone is always striving for more. I guess its just human to want more but I wonder if I would experience the same feeling. I know I have a slight fear of success which apparently is a very real phenomenon that many of these people talk about.

But I integrated well with them and I believe I am still on the outskirts of this kind of thing but my foot is firmly in the door. I just gotta figure out the angle I want to go.

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