Tuesday, December 16, 2008

a witches teat

went out last night. kinda dragged out by a friend of mine who lost his job and is bored out of his mind. Poor guy is an engineer but is having a tough time finding work. The economy has made its way to my life (no commissions) and people I actually know(getting laid off).

I may be paid peanuts right now but my boss is doing fine so knock on wood...

It was bitingly cold last night. My jacket is in Houston. The band was absolutely terrible. There was a chick walking around that was dressed like Mary Poppins.

I regret going out. BUT. I didn't have a single drink or smoke a single cigarette. I went to bed thankful for it. Now I'm partaking in my new found vice. gourmet coffee.

Tonight I am going to do more work-from-home research.

Grandma is in the hospital. Its apparently a minor surgery making up for a complication for her previous surgery. I'm not worried yet but a bit uneasy. Still it sucks because she is not going to be able to go to Louisiana for Christmas. I hope she at least gets out before the 25th. I will attending Kevin's graduation this weekend so its a perfect chance to visit her in the hospital if she is still there.

I dread the coming years in that respect. I already mentally prepare myself for some bad news about her when I see my Mom's phone number come up on my phone. If I hear a lilt of cheerfulness I know its cool. Its that businesslike tone I fear.

But this is a minor thing so no worries yet.

Speaking of Kevin graduating...give this dude some props. 3 years studying a difficult subject, working full time and trying to have a meaningful relationship. Bravo.

holy crap our website is coming along nicely...got cool photos up now... www.legsagainstarms.com


That Birdhouse said...

i've actually been drinking quite a bit of coffee too. i mentioned that in smoking and drinking there's a small part of doing it that is not enjoyable. but you do it anyway. the same goes for coffee with me. there's a small part i don't enjoy.

so now that's what i do when i go out. i get a cup of coffee. and the ladies love it!! i'm kidding. there are no ladies. seriously, it's weird.

- said...

yeah man its the eventual brown teeth and coffee breath I fear....other than that Im digging it. Black is the way to go though. No hiding the quality whatsoever.