Thursday, October 27, 2011

34 will be big

I meet with a group of guys every Thursday. It was my idea and its starting to come together well. I got the idea from my old boss who pays something like $12K per year to attend a meeting of other marketers where they share their best strategies and newest revelations. I was blown away to hear that one day was worth 12,000 dollars to him. He gets back way more than he pays I am certain of that.

The industry word for it is a Mastermind Group.

The concept was first introduced by Napoleon Hill back in the early 1900s. He basically interviewed some of the most successful people of the day and wrote Think and Grow Rich out of those interviews. Apparently the Mastermind Group is something many successful people had in common. Most masterminds have no cost. Some like my bosses do.

Well I grabbed a few guys and we have formed our own version of a mastermind group.

Its free of course but its to help keep us motivated, hold each other accountable and offer our unique skills to help each other achieve our goals.

There is a slight conflict of interest that I will talk about if it starts to become an issue. It might. Nothing that wont be solvable of course.

But I am excited with the potential. We are really coming up with some awesome ideas. I have nearly finished my ebook on getting gigs and have most of the video sales letter figured out as well. One of the guys in the group is a web guy so he can help me with the technical details of the site.

For instance there is a way to make the buy button appear after a certain period of time. That way the person watching the video is not distracted by it until its actually time to buy. Pretty cool technology.

My plan is to create an interview series where I sit down with various "industry insiders" like my mega talented friend sam, a gal I know who books shows etc and just record our conversations while I pick their brain on the best strategies to succeeding as a band.

I haven't exactly figured out how I am going to package these interviews but it could be really cool.

I have some pretty big goals to hit for 34. I just might get there. I made a quiet promise to myself (and out loud to one of the guys) that if I did hit my goal I would take the mastermind group to Trulucks for dinner on me. For some reason that sounds exciting. I have 11 months to make it happen.

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