Monday, October 31, 2011

Boil It Down - HWR

I have a habit of complicating everything.

But today I think I boiled down my life into 3 categories I should focus on every day.

1. Health

Diet, exercise, preventative maintenance, dealing with any illness...things like reading, meditation, artistic pursuits and other forms of mental health are included in this category.

2. Wealth

Saving, income growth, new clients, new projects, staying on top of current client responsibilities, budgeting, paying down debt etc.

3. Relationships

nurturing your friendships, intimate relationships, and family. Increasing your social circle, networking opportunities, philanthropic endeavors, and just basic human interaction etc.

Ranking in importance I would say Health, Relationships and Wealth but I think it has a nice rhyming vibe to say Health, Wealth Relationships. HWR. The key to a full and happy life.

I got this idea from my info marketing experience. They say that when you create a product you want to create an evergreen product that will stand the test of the time and will be useful to a large group of people. These three categories are where you should start. They are timeless according to the world of marketing but I see it perfectly describing a healthy and happy person so I'm stealing it for myself.

Interestingly I notice that if one of these suffers the others are directly affected. And most unhappiness I can think of easily and squarely falls into one of these categories.

Personally my relationship column feels lacking to me lately while the others are strong. My unhappiness/dissatisfaction is directly related to frequent isolation and loneliness more than anything else. Health is good thank God and I am making more money than ever so I am thankful for these things. I just need to get the hell out of the house.

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