Thursday, July 24, 2008

another dream

this time I was about to be sent off to Iraq.

the dream starts with me and this other guy sitting at a table with this woman interviewing us. Its like we were in the reserves or something and they were giving us some sort of exit interview (this shows I know nothing about the military).

I noticed the files in front of her showed that the other guy was scheduled to be sent to Iraq and I wasn't. He was upset by this and said that his mental state couldn't handle it. I felt a sigh of relief. The interview continued.

The dream then changes and I learn that I am the one now being sent to Iraq and this other guy is not. The lady had switched the files to where it was me going instead of him. I am absolutely furious at this because I saw the files and I know that some sort of deception is going on.

I rush down this giant complex and grab a secretary and force her to show me where this ladies office is. We enter and I run up to her screaming at the top of my lungs at my disgust with her. I'm making a huge scene. She is saying she is losing respect for me. (?)

I am stating my case with ironclad logic and conviction. I'm telling her that she was pretty stupid to interview us both at the same time and had I not seen those files I would only be upset with the government and the situation and probably have gone off to war, but I am CERTAIN that this is a dubious act by a woman playing favorites.

Then of course I wake up. But the dream seemed to be leading to my winning the argument.

What I liked about this dream was my passionate tirade on this woman. I don't recall everything I said but every word was well spoken, made perfect sense and was still scathing and LOUD. I demanded justice and it was almost as if that fervor created it for me. I was crying at one point in my outbursts but what can you do, this thing was a HUGE deal to me. I recall one sentence very well.

"I refuse to go off and die for a war I don't believe in"

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