Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Great Depression Part II?

I'm no economist but I'm afraid coming years might be a complete economic disaster for a whole lot of people. Were not talking about oil or the war in Iraq.

Its social security to watch out for.

I have a pretty wealthy friend who is so sure that the looming social security crisis will be devastating that he is pulling his money out of the American "Fiat" economy and investing in Gold and Silver in Europe. He has a giant safe and he is looking into buying a very powerful shotgun. Our conversations freaked me out.

He is certain its basically the fall of Rome. While that may be a bit excessive I too am getting a little scared after the small amount of research I have done.

Read this

The bad thing is neither candidate wants much to do with it. Who would? Every answer ends up pissing off huge groups of people. So whoever wins the election wont be able to stop it.

So it would seem that I have about 4 years to start making serious amounts of money before a major shift in the American economy slaps the shit out of everyone, completely crushing guys/gals with my level of income.

I need to research this more before making any claims but this isn't looking good.

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